Muladhara, the Root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. Influences: Physical Identity, Ambition, Stability. When it's out of balance: Individuals may feel physical lower back pain, Insomnia, Fatigue, Sciatica, Constipation, Depression, Immune Disorders, Obesity, An individual may also feel emotional symtoms such as; Anger and Self Esteem Issues. Mantra: Lam, Color: Red, Procedure: Thumb and Index Finges touch. Arms straight, hands on knees. Chakra Sound: Long L-A-A-A-A-M, Purpose: Survival.
Root Chakra Soap Hand Made
Coconut Gycerine Soap Base and Vegetable based (clear), High natural glycerin content. The food grade colorants are made of PURE ingredients that is gentle to your skin, TOXIC FREE, IRRITATION FREE, STAIN-FREE, VEGAN, CRUELTY FREE and BABY FRIENDLY.