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Dowel painted, molded clay, copper wire, leather rope, Abalone shell, Shell dust, Clear Quartz Crystal, Aquamarine. Silver Glitter glue, Polymer seal for shine-Water Resistant. Comes with ocean shells, beach sand, various stone chips in baggie, (all baggies are 1/2 inch).   WATER RESISTANT!

Orisha Yemaya Wand Set

SKU: 7773434
  • Yemonya, Yemaya, Yemoja,Yemeja is a Salt Water Deity Of the Yoruba Pantheon of Nigeria, Brazil, Cuba and other Latin Cultures. Mother of all Orishas, and Mother of the children of all Fishes. She is the element essential to all life-water. She is the part of the water near the coast or coral reef in the ocean. "Our Lady of Regla." Represents: Motherhood and family issues are her expertise, along with womans and children issues in healing. Symbols: 7 Silver Bracelets, a Necklace made with alternating 7 Blue and 7 White beads. Mermaid, Dolphins, and Fish Shells. White wine, all seafood, fruits.Number: 7 (Seven). Days: September 7th (Santeria), January 1st, February 2nd (Brazil), Mother's Day. Colors: White, Blue. Gems/Stones: Pearls, Blue Topaz, Silver, Abalone Shell, Mother of Pearl, Aquamarine, Rainbow Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate.

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