Set of 2 Orisha Ochun inspired Wands, and 1 Peaccock Feather Wand. Dowel made with real whole Cinnamon stick pieces and Coconut shavings, Gold Glitter, Peacock Feathers, Molded Clay, Oak Wood, Leather grip, and Copper Wire. Stones: Tigers eye, Pyrite, and Clear Quartz wand tip.
Orisha Ochun is the Goddess of love, femininity and the river, which represents purification. Symbol of feminine coquetry, attractiveness and sensuality.
Orisha Ochun Wand Set
Orish Ochun, Oshun, is a Goddess from the Youruba tradition Pantheon. She is the Goddess of Sweet Rivers. Goddess of love, femininity and the river, which represents purification. She is the Sweetest, Kindest, most Generous Orisha. Represents: Feminine Coquetry, Attractiveness and Sensuality. Represents: Love, Childbirth, Motherhood, Passion, Sex, Preproduction, Child Rearing, Nature, Earth, Abundance. Symbols: Yellow Roses, Gold, Yellow Butterflies, Bees, Otters, Coconut, Skunks. Sunflowers, Lemons, Peacocks, Honey, Pumpkins, Cinnamon Color: Yellow, Gold, Light Blue, White. Number: 5 (Five). Day: September 8th. Stones: Yellow Citrine, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Yellow Diamonds, Pearls.