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😻Carnelian is great for stimulating creativity 👩🏽‍🎨 because it encourages us to reach within and pull out all our courage, ambition and success🎊
It stimulates blood circulation keeping you strong and healthy-body, mind and soul! keeping your energy high. Substitute your coffee for these beauties 😻

When placed on your head area it attracts the energy of The Sun. Symbolic to burning away all that doesn’t serve you! Use it on the head area to balance the Ego. #HealthyEgoOnly 

😻Orange Agate is a Cleanser, transmuter, stabilizer Stone. Great for the Solor Plexus-Stomatch, Intestines, and near areas 🍊

It stimulates the digestive system when used as an elixir or when placed on the abdomen. Relieves gastritis, Indigestion, Nausea. 

When placed on the 1st Eye/Crown Chakra, it can relieve headaches, bring down fevers. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of epilepsy.

Harvest Graditude

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