Dowel, decorated with paint, molding clay, Super Glue, Polymer Seal for shine-Water Resistant, feline Jewelry, copper wire, leather rope. Stones: Snow Flake Obsidian, Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Clear quartz, Red Agate. Comes with a bag of Cat Nip baggie, Various Chip Stone baggie, and Dragons Blood Incense Resin baggie all 1/2 Inch baggie. WATER RESISTANT!
Goddess Sekhmet Wand Set
Sekhem, Sachmet, Sehkmet, Sakhet, Kemetic Cat Sun Goddess inspired wand. She is one of the oldest Kemetic Deities. The Dominant Bloodlust Goddess of the Twelfth Dynasty. She protected the Pharoahs and led them into great battle. Protector of Ma'at (a principle that even the gods had to obey). She is known as a terrifying deity to those not in her favor, but to her friends and love ones she could heal disease and advert plagues. She who is Powerful! The Sacred Lady, Lady of Pestilence and Goddess of Vengeance, Divine retribution, Conquest and War. Avenger of wrong doings. The Red Lady. Lady of Terror, Lady of Life. She was mentioned In the spells of, "The Book of the Dead," as a creative and destructive force. Represents: Mother Goddess of Healing. Fierce Hunter, Keeper of Books. Protector of the Gods, Powerful Goddess, Justic, Strength, Fire, Warrior, Underworld. Menstration, Medicine, Balance, Truth and Dance. Patron of Physicians, and Healers. Symbols: Third Eye, Ankh, Eye of Horus. Red Linen, Hunter, Beer, Sun Disk on her head, Arrow, All Felines, Sceptre formed from Papyrus. Days: Heat of the mid-day sun, Friday. Number: 4 Colors: Red, Black and White. Stones: Zincite, Fire Agate, Tigers Eye, Red Jasper, Black Obsidian.