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Two Goddess Kwan Yin & Amaterasu Wand Set
Goddess Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin, Quan Yin, Chinese Bodhisattva, is the deity of Mercy and Compassion. She is a Mother Goddess and Patron of Seamen. Represents: Embodiment of Love and compassionate kindness. Womanhood, Motherhood, The Lotus, Purity, Symbols: Vase, representing Wisdom and Compassion, Willow Branch, Dove, Vase of Divine Nectar of Life or Holy Dew, Scroll of Prayers. Number 19. Color Yellow, Gold, Orange and White. Stones: Citrine, Orange Adventurine, Tigers Eye, Orange and Coral Calcite, Carnelian, Smokey Quartz,
Madagascar and Agate.
Goddess Amaterasu, Omikami (‘the great divinity illuminating heaven’), Also known as Oho-hir-me-no-muchi or Amaterasu-oho-hiru-me, is a Sun Goddess and Supreme deity from the Japanese Shinto religion. She is the ruler of Takama no Hara (the High Celestial Plain), the Domain of the Kami or Spirits and is said to have embodied the Sun and the Universe. Ancestor to the Japanese Imperial family. This monarchy is said to be the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world. In Japanese Mythology, 3,000 years ago, Amaterasu sent her grandson Jimmu to Earth to be the first ruler of Japan, beginning the divine family of Japanese emperors. Represents: Love and Solar Beauty. She rules over cultural unity and kinship. Archer, Weaver who makes the garments of the Gods. Symbols: The Sun, Mirrors, Swords, Silkworm, Protection, Winter Solstice, Bow & Arrow, Silk, Fabric, Weaving, Greenery, Jewel, Horse, Wolf. Colors: Gold, Yellow, White. Days: First week of May in Japan, "The Golden Week." Number: 5